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  7. Platinum 22
Platinum 22
Do you want to buy discount products?

Wholesale: 451.000.000 ₫ / unit


Retail: 496.100.000 ₫ / unit


- Sort: Showcase
- Brand: GELATEC
- Origin: Italy
- Package: 150 kg - 500 kg
- Weight: 150 kg - 500 kg
- For: Ice cream shop
- Status: Stock
- Catalogue: Download here



Add: 26LK14 Mau Luong, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +84 24 2321 1111 - Mob: +84 916 819 888
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  • Vietcombank
    Branch: Vietcombank Hanoi
    No: 069 1000 886 001
  • Vietcombank
    Branch: Vietcombank Hanoi
    Holder: Nguyen Van Tuan
    No: 069 1000 883 888


The shape named "Platinum" represents the traditional culture of today's era with a completely modern image. Its powerful yet harmonious strokes integrate it into this type of display that manages to fit into a corporate group. Its part is made entirely of crystal, a feature for a very impressive and at the same time very useful display that can give the user the ability to display the full product. The entire line of this display ensures the optimum of the product through the ventilation cooling system and the windshield. Without a doubt, the platinum showroom has monumental functions.

Tags: Tủ Show care Platinum 12 Tủ Show care Platinum 18 Tủ Show care PLATINUM 22 Tủ Show care Platinum 24TADAVINA






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The shape named "Platinum" represents the traditional culture of today's era with a completely modern image. Its powerful yet harmonious strokes integrate it into this type of display that manages to fit into a corporate group. Its part is made entirely of crystal, a feature for a very impressive and at the same time very useful display that can give the user the ability to display the full product. The entire line of this display ensures the optimum of the product through the ventilation cooling system and the windshield. Without a doubt, the platinum showroom has monumental functions.
The shape named "Platinum" represents the traditional culture of today's era with a completely modern image. Its powerful yet harmonious strokes integrate it into this type of display that manages to fit into a corporate group. Its part is made entirely of crystal, a feature for a very impressive and at the same time very useful display that can give the user the ability to display the full product. The entire line of this display ensures the optimum of the product through the ventilation cooling system and the windshield. Without a doubt, the platinum showroom has monumental functions.

Gelatec is a company that has come to the forefront of business activity just in 2015, but its rapid growth in conjunction with its innovative solutions have resulted in consolidating its role on the international market.
Gelatec main business field covers the design and the manufacture of professional equipment fitted for confectionery, hotel, restaurant, bar and catering facilities. More specifically, Gelatec is specialised in professional refrigerators, showcases and stainless steel constructions and at the same time gives its customers the chance to order custom constructions besides the standard, which can be fully adapted to the data and the requirements of their own space.


The display named “Platinum” nears the traditional culture of today’s time with a completely modern visual. Its strong but harmonic lines integrate it to the category of these displays which manage to be adapted properly to a group of constructions. Its top part is made in total by crystal, a feature which makes the display very impressive and at the same time very functional due to the capability which is given to the consumer of having the full visibility of the product. This entire display’s line guarantees the optimum conservation of the product through the ventilated refrigeration and the double-heated glasses. The platinum showcase is undoubtedly as functional as majestic.


PLATINUM display line is manufactured to the following versions:

•             Ventilated Ice Cream

One height:

•             1200mm with one shelf

Due to its clear lines it magnifies the view at the first sight.


PLATINUM include : Titatinum 12 trays (L1200), Zero 18 trays (L1715), Zero 24 trays (L2200)

The Platinum ice cream display is highly adaptive due its traditional design.

Modern, clear lines give it a unique identity.


The ice cream is being promoted efficiently due to the large tranparent crystal surfaces of the display.

Its innovative design transforms Titanium to an extremely modern showcase.

The opening front glass maximises the operators’ comfort.

Choosing the best color temperature, measured in Kelvin, is essential for creating the desired result.



Ensuring quality in the provision of its services and developing equipment of high technology, performance and aesthetics are the principal objectives of the company. Rapid technological development is constantly setting new rules in the market; we evaluate them and move alongside the technical advances, while upholding our everlasting values. With consistency and credibility, we have been able to implement a multitude of ambitious projects and become partners of top global businesses.

The dynamics of our team, consisting of sales, design and production department lies in thoroughness, patience and passion for success. Company's human resources with their training and experience can meet the needs of the most demanding customers and can guarantee in any case a technically perfect result. There is complete compliance of our products with all the legal requirements set out in the European Union's Technical Harmonization Directives.
Passion, elegance, creativity and need for daily progress are some of the key features of our company, which are noticeably reflected in our final creations. Gelatec exudes the pulse of the new generation and is here to put its stamp on technology and design regarding the field of mass catering.

Since 2015, Gelatec produces in its region and, it provides refrigerated showcases and furniture for public places worldwide, with a sales volume beyond 120 million of euro by exporting, in 150 countries, quality products with a high rate of technology and innovation, also in terms of sustainability by using natural refrigerants.

Today, Gelatec is one of the most luxury manufacturers of the world in the field of interior design for public places, showcases and refrigerated cabinets for ice cream and pastry and professional furniture. Beyond numerous and prestigious clients, who make a daily use of Gelatec’s equipment, Gelatec has been collaborating for years with important international brands, which they are: Autogrill, Jemmy, Coca Cola, Conad, Coopfood, Cadoda, Mediaworld, Haagen Dazs, Nestlé, Sturbucks and Unilever.

In Vietnam, Gelatec cooperates with TADAVINA, one of the best import and export companies, representing and selling documents and ice cream machines, gelato display cooler, ice cream cabinet, refrigerator, freezer, air conditioner juicer, dispenser, coffee maker, coffee bean, coffee tablet, dishwasher, baking equipment now.

Address 26LK14 Mau Luong, Hanoi, Vietnam
VAT 0107466001
Tell +84 024 232 11111
Cellphone +84 0986 883 888

 Gelatec is a company that has come to the forefront of business activity just in 2015, but its rapid growth in conjunction with its innovative solutions have resulted in consolidating its role on the international market.

Gelatec main business field covers the design and the manufacture of professional equipment fitted for confectionery, hotel, restaurant, bar and catering facilities. More specifically, Gelatec is specialised in professional refrigerators, showcases and stainless steel constructions and at the same time gives its customers the chance to order custom constructions besides the standard, which can be fully adapted to the data and the requirements of their own space.

Ensuring quality in the provision of its services and developing equipment of high technology, performance and aesthetics are the principal objectives of the company. Rapid technological development is constantly setting new rules in the market; we evaluate them and move alongside the technical advances, while upholding our everlasting values. With consistency and credibility, we have been able to implement a multitude of ambitious projects and become partners of top global businesses.

The dynamics of our team, consisting of sales, design and production department lies in thoroughness, patience and passion for success. Company's human resources with their training and experience can meet the needs of the most demanding customers and can guarantee in any case a technically perfect result. There is complete compliance of our products with all the legal requirements set out in the European Union's Technical Harmonization Directives.

Passion, elegance, creativity and need for daily progress are some of the key features of our company, which are noticeably reflected in our final creations. Gelatec exudes the pulse of the new generation and is here to put its stamp on technology and design regarding the field of mass catering.

Since 2015, Gelatec produces in its region and, it provides refrigerated showcases and furniture for public places worldwide, with a sales volume beyond 120 million of euro by exporting, in 150 countries, quality products with a high rate of technology and innovation, also in terms of sustainability by using natural refrigerants.

Today, Gelatec is one of the most luxury manufacturers of the world in the field of interior design for public places, showcases and refrigerated cabinets for ice cream and pastry and professional furniture. Beyond numerous and prestigious clients, who make a daily use of Gelatec’s equipment, Gelatec has been collaborating for years with important international brands, which they are: Autogrill, Jemmy, Coca Cola, Conad, Coopfood, Cadoda, Mediaworld, Haagen Dazs, Nestlé, Sturbucks and Unilever.

In Vietnam, Gelatec co-operate with TADAVINA, one of the best importing and exporting companies, representing and selling ice cream ingredients and machines, gelato showcase, ice cream cabinet, blast freezer, blast chiller, slush machines, dispenser machines, coffee machines, coffee bean, coffee capsule, diswasher, bakery equipments now.


The same Products

Platinum 18
Brand : GELATEC, Italy
Platinum 12
Brand : GELATEC, Italy
Platinum 22
Brand : GELATEC, Italy
Platinum 24
Brand : GELATEC, Italy

TADAVINA, established in 2016, importing of the gelato ingredients and equipment, located in Hanoi, Vietnam.


TADAVINA have distributed about Gelato, Yogurt and Soft ice cream ingredients, imported from Italia until now. All products that we always focus on importing and selling high quality products with Gelato Ingredients, Gelato Machines, Gelato showcases, Ice cream cabinets, Coffee Machines, Coffee grinders, Coffee Beans, Milkshake machines, Blast freezers, Pizza Ovens into Vietnam for gelato shops, coffee shops, bakery shops.


All of Gelato and coffee products, made in Italia, Greece, England, are being imported to sell for gelato shops, restaurants, bars, bakery and cafe like Gelato machines, soft machines, Coffee machines, Coffee beans, coffee grinders, blast freezers, cabinets, gelato showcases, milkshake machines, dispenser machines, slush machines.


Developed from an importer and brand representative, supplying gelato equpment and Italian ice cream ingredients and leading Italian gelato equipment. It is a combination of passion for clean ice cream and coffee, constantly thinking about how to create the purest, most outstanding and most delicious tea products for the community.


All of products displayed in the big showroom, the customers are able to see the actual products to  buy. After buying, the customers will be supported by the teams with 10 skillful technicians for gelato and café equipment…


TADAVINA with an excellent space for Gelato with ice-cream machines and showcases & Gelato Ingredients, to train customers how to make ice-cream, or to test and taste our products in the Italian restaurant naming Roma Dela. Here is also a large, well-equipped training room for Barista, Bartender and a great place to create new drinks, make demo to our customers.


TADAVINA are proud of perfect partners for setting up the Italian restaurants of Gelato, Café. Why ? We have got full conditons for your projects, we are importers, we are the supplier, we are the advisors. They are necessary for your long projects.


Always TADAVINA follow closely with you, with your success.

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